Valentina Dorevska

Valentina Dorevska, attorney at law, born December 15, 1986 in Skopje. Graduated in 2008 from the Faculty of Law, “Iustinianus Primus” Skopje, Law Studies and has been honored with the title-law school graduate. She continued her education on post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in Skopje, and in 2011 acquired the title - MA in Law (Master of Laws LL.M). In December 2011she passed the exam for representation for protection of industrial property, and in April 2012 passed the bar exam.
Since 2011 she has been employed by the Mihajlovski & Popovska law offices, and has been working in the area of civil law, civil and commercial disputes, industrial property, as well as copyright and other related rights.